Dear Beloved….

Dear Beloved,

Beloved you who I saw just two weeks ago, not knowing it would be the last for a while.

Beloved you, who I normally see most days.

Beloved you, who I last saw many years ago, not knowing when we’d meet again as I drove away.

Beloved you, who I see once a week, who dances, laughs, sings and cries with me.

Beloved you, who I once shared a home with.

Beloved you, whose body mirrors mine as we dance.

Beloved you, who attended my workshop that summer.

Beloved you, who I’m yet still to meet.

Beloved you, who held my hand as I wept and who laughed hysterically with me as I forget.

Beloved you, who I pass on the street, In the forest, in the supermarket.

Beloved you, who I once shared a bottle of wine with, and even once, a bed.

Beloved you, who lives right next door and beloved you, who lives across the Globe.

I long to hold you, beloved.

To take you into my arms and to merge with you.

And I long to be held my you.

To melt into your everything, as we breath together.

To remember. To forget. To love.

For now, I’m unable, so I’ll hold myself tight.

But know this beloved- you are with me In these moments.

In each and every breath.

Until such a time when we can once again, hold each other.

I love you 💗

There are 3 comments

  1. mrpsiho

    Despite the finger-wagging modern etiquette pieces, the obligation to provide your full attention to any one person or thing for a sustained period of time is becoming more difficult to meet.

    1. mrpsiho

      Despite the finger-wagging modern etiquette pieces, the obligation to provide your full attention to any one person or thing for a sustained period of time is becoming more difficult to meet. The phone, and the constellation of diversions that live inside it — emails, texts, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Timehop, Google Hangouts, all of which can sprout badges of fire-red notifications demanding to be addressed  are just too compelling.

  2. mrpsiho

    The phone, and the constellation of diversions that live inside it — emails, texts, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Timehop, Google Hangouts, all of which can sprout badges of fire-red notifications demanding to be addressed  are just too compelling.

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